Monday, June 3, 2013
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 24, 2010
Christopher Lovell

Christopher Lovell. Artist. Musician. Tutor. Currently residing in Wiltshire, the Welsh artist is carving a strong identity in the art and design world with his lavishly detailed and imaginative work. His clients range from multi-platinum recording artists like Kid Rock to global clothing companies such as Iron Fist. Christopher Lovell’s ever-expanding portfolio showcases a diverse subject matter and demonstrates a passion and level of enthusiasm that speaks for itself.
Christopher Lovell counts himself lucky to have been a child of the 80s. The toys, cartoons and movies of the era left him spellbound, fuelling his imagination. He finds this inspiration allows him to express himself very naturally through his art. Having developed a deep interest in fantasy and sci-fi, Christopher Lovell spent his childhood and teen years immersed in every aspect of creativity he could access. As art came very easy to him, Christopher Lovell is completely self-taught and is able to effortlessly adapt to any medium presented to him. Very early on he soon noticed his art could captivate and inspire those who viewed it.
Throughout his school years Christopher Lovell’s passion for Anime, comics and graphic novels led him to writing and illustrating his own stories.
“I inked and painted 96 pages of a story and I had roughly sketched out a further 400 or so pages. During the first 96 pages you can see a huge progression in my skills as an artist.” Unfortunately the work was never to be completed as Christopher turned his attention towards painting on canvass.
Christopher Lovell also enjoys expressing his creativity through music. He is a skilled and versatile guitarist, and approaches song-writing with equal enthusiasm as his art. Although his art and illustration work has to remain his primary focus, Christopher Lovell remains a respected member of the local alternative music scene.
Having once been told at art college that he would “never make it as an illustrator” Christopher relishes in the satisfaction that each new piece of work continues to impress, inspire and amaze his growing client and fanbase.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Iron Fist Tattoos.

Avatar movie review.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Back from Liverpool.
I got back from Liverpool (united kingdom) where I attended the 2008 VMA awards and visited my aunt. Just realized I forgot my camera at home, but i took few from my phone.I postted photos so do check em out. In the meantime my concept art has been getting some nice reviews. Here are few good reviews, The film analysis geek in me got really excited when i saw Twilight the movie, it was the most awaited movie of the year but back in India the movie released after all thanks to the release of The New Moon (the twilight saga). I was happy to hear th
Busy Time.

As i said tht I've been away from the computer the past few months to focus on my new comic production called curtis n punk (which is doing great!), so it's time to catch up on my blogging. First off, if you want more detailed and frequent updates, please follow my blog and my Facebook account. It allows me to post updates during my short breaks without pulling time away from work, so it's very convenient. I'll soon incorporate a facebook update box on the front page asap.
I made a new friend, whom i call Shivi. kinda have a major crush on her. so it was pretty much one of the best weeks ever. Not only i have a new crush, but i have a nice comic to add to the library. Past few weeks were really fantastic, and probably i might have new ppl helping me out in da production. Alongside there are many new wonderful graphic coming up!